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[0002] 紫苏叶为唇形科植物紫苏Perilla frutescens (L.)Britt.的干燥叶(或带嫩枝) ,别名为苏叶、赤苏叶、青苏叶、香苏叶。夏季枝叶茂盛时采收,除去杂质、晒干。紫苏叶味辛、温,归肺、脾经;具有发表散寒的作用,用于外感风寒、发热恶寒、头痛鼻塞,兼见咳嗽或胸闷不舒者;具有行气宽中的作用,用于脾胃气滞、胸闷呕吐以及妊娠呕吐、胸腹满闷等;具有解鱼蟹毒的作用,用于进食鱼蟹而引起的腹痛、呕、泻。
[0048]材 料:对照品丹参素(批号:DST191201-015)、芹菜素-7-0-葡萄糖醛酸苷(批号:DST171215-090) :成都德思特生物科技有限公司;……
Study on Structure Activity Relationship of Natural Flavonoids against Thrombin by Molecular Docking Virtual Screening Combined with Activity Evaluation In Vitro
Thrombin, a key enzyme of the serine protease superfamily, plays an integral role in the blood coagulation cascade and thrombotic diseases. In view of this, it is worthwhile to establish a method to screen thrombin inhibitors (such as natural flavonoid-type inhibitors) as well as investigate their structure activity relationships. Virtual screening using molecular docking technique was used to screen 103 flavonoids. Out of this number, 42 target compounds were selected, and their inhibitory effects on thrombin assayed by chromogenic substrate method. The results indicated that the carbon-carbon double bond group at the C2, C3 sites and the carbonyl group at the C4 sites of flavones were essential for thrombin inhibition, whereas the methoxy and O-glycosyl groups reduced thrombin inhibition. Noteworthy, introduction of OH groups at different positions on flavonoids either decreased or increased anti-thrombin potential. Myricetin exhibited the highest inhibitory potential against thrombin with an IC50 value of 56 μM. Purposively, the established molecular docking virtual screening method is not limited to exploring flavonoid structure activity relationships to anti-thrombin activity but also usefully discovering other natural active constituents.
chrysin, apigenin, diosmetin and kaempferol-7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside were purchased from Chengdu Desite Biological Technology Co. Ltd. (Sichuan, China)