It is of utmost significance to choose the bioactive components as quality markers for ensuring the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine. Nonetheless, some markers are able to assess effectively the quality of TCM without considering the pharmacological mechanisms and intrinsic chemical complexities.
This underscores the need to discover new and efficient markers which can assess both quality and mechanism of action. Herein, a strategy of bioactive-chemical quality markers combination was proposed to improve the level of the quality control of TCM by metabolomics coupled with chemometrics.
Reference standards of typhaneoside, kaempferol-3-O-neohesperidoside, citric acid, linolenic acid, kaempferol-3-O-neohesperidoside, astragalin, naringenin, puerarin, and succinic acid with 98% purity on the basis of HPLC analysis were supplied by Chengdu Desite Biological Technology Co. Ltd. (Sichuan, China)
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摘要:[目的] 通过建立中药细辛水提物高